GBIF Graduate Researchers Award

GBIF announced its call for nominations for the 2023 Graduate Researchers Award. This annual programme aims to foster and recognize innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics by graduate students whose master’s and doctoral studies rely on GBIF-mediated data.

The 2023 programme will provide a pair of €5,000 prizes recognizing the work of two early-career researchers—preferably, one master’s and one PhD candidate—who receive formally nominations from the heads of delegation or node managers of GBIF Participant countries.

A jury organized by GBIF Science Committee will select two award recipients from the pool of nominees whose names are received by the GBIF Secretariat by 19 June 2023.

For more information and rules, visit the Award Annoucement on the GBIF website or contact us.

You will need to submit your application to the Canadensys node manager before 31 May 2023.